Monday, March 2, 2009

New Resolve

I have had this fantasy for years to be a writer. But didn't know how to go about it. Pitiful. Anyways, I am hoping that I will start writing here on my blog more often. So if I have any readers out there, check back often as I have a new resolve to start blogging.

Years ago a friend told me that he didn't know I was a real person just a "runner". Yes, running (only competitively) was a passion for a long time and I still love the smell of the track. I have never really loved running as far as just to do it. It has always been painful for me. I have to have some kind of competition to work for. I like to run fast and not for a very long amount of time. At my age that really means I don't run too much. Anyways, I have had to work hard to get rid of that label and become a little more well rounded. And I don't mean well rounded around my middle. I do run and workout most days of the week to ward off that kind of well roundedness.

So this blog is now dedicated to writing about fitness, nutrition, and anything else that suits my fancy.

1 comment:

Kaye and Jared said...

YEAH!!! I'm glad your back!! I think about you all the time! How are you we need to chat on the phone one of these days.