Thursday, April 9, 2009

Keep your Girlish Figure

A few weeks ago we went to the city Health Fair. There were a few testing stations set up to supposedly tell us how healthy (or sickly) we are. Mr. Smiley and I both had our body fat, glucose, bone density and cholesterol checked. Mr. Smiley had his body fat tested first. He fell within the normal/healthy range for a man of his age and height. His number was on the high end of normal. Body Fat woman (the tech) told him he needed to start exercising and eat better and he could lower his body fat. I was annoyed.

Next it was my turn. I also fell in the normal/healthy range for my age and height. My number was on the low end of normal. Body Fat woman then started lecturing me about being to thin. How I am sooo unhealthy because I don't have enough fat. What a load of garbage. I was getting pretty mad. She then said, "You must be a runner! YOU RUNNERS just don't know when to stop." I started fuming. The steam was coming out of my ears when she delivered the final blow. "Don't even think about getting your bone density tested it will be horrible." she snidely remarked.

So I immediately went over to get my Bone Density tested. The tech there was in shock as she told me my bone density was the best she had ever tested. Take that body fat woman. Can't good ever be good enough? I would like that body fat woman to know that I am proud of my body fat percentage. I think it is healthy for me. Not to mention that I have had a body fat percentage in the past that was 11% lower than what I tested that day. And I was healthy then too. I think she was just jealous. I am happy with my body. I work to keep it the way I want it. Oh maybe I am just lucky because I am tall and have good genetics. Don't ever mention the fact that I get up at dark thirty in the morning and have for many years to try to keep my body fit.

Don't mean to open a can of worms. (I will open that can later) Most people who are fit and healthy work at it. They don't just become that way overnight. God has given us all an amazing gift - our body. We all choose what we do with our bodies. Let us do the best we can with what we have been given. Some are thin, some are fat. Some need to lose weight, some need to gain. I just wish it was as easy as Betty Boop demonstrates.

This is my all time favorite cartoon about weight and exercise. I always laugh at this film. Just over 5 minutes in length. It is worth watching the whole thing.


Shea said...

I don't really put much stock in BFP charts or BMI charts. Still I wouldn't mind a few more inches to spread things out. You'd be amazed how a few pounds show on a short person. I work hard at keeping me healthy mainly because I've seen what doing nothing does to you later in life.

The Beckstrands said...

You crack me up, You should of told the lady that you know all about this stuff and that you are normal. Maybe she not so educated in the body fat area. Your good to keep working out too, I'm so lazy especially when I'm Prego. also look on my list of friends, I have jenni Mortenson "daleynews" and the Steph Talley blog if you are interested.