Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Runners don't Swim

Runnergirl takes to the pool - like a runner. Runners breathe in the nose out the mouth. Just try that in the pool, oh yeah and Don't forget to call 911. Lots of coughing, sputtering and splashing. Running is much simpler, first off - water never gets up your nose and when you sweat, it evaporates. Next, you don't ever put on goggles that suck out your eyeballs. Lastly, you don't generally bonk your head on a hard slab of concrete. Well, I guess that last part could happen.

Sounds like fun. Guess I will try it again. Flip turns are pretty cool. Just remember to blow out your nose or you may end up with a serious sinus infection. You thought the butterfly was a cute little insect. I think I swallowed one trying it. My shoulders are still aching. Not as much sputtering and coughing.

Runners and swimmers may have something in common. Discipline and pain.
Can runners swim? I'll let you know by the end of the summer.

P.S. I do have motivation....My kids swim better than me.

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