Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Big Answer

The answer to : Are you done having kids? Why did you buy a mini-van? Why are you dogging it in the workouts? Why did you stop working out with the morning Ladies group? Mommy, when are you going to get me a little brother? Is that a little belly? Why are you always tired? Are you training for anything right now? What are you guys going to do for Thanksgiving this year?

Any other questions?
We are happy to announce that we will be adding to our team. We didn't want to say anything until we told our kids who are really excited and have been telling everyone they see - even the librarian.
Little Pumpkin is due November 20th - So we are almost half way done.
We are not going to find out the gender of this baby until the little pumpkin is born. Farmer is telling us its a boy and Peanut is hoping it is not. Yes, life is going to be a little crazy for the next year or so but we are up for the challenge. Wish us luck!


Amy said...

WHAT?!!! That's the way you tell us, even when we saw you last week?! :) Well, Congrats!! I am definitely surprised by the news and you sure kept it from us for quite a long time! :) Well, congrats! So, they'll be what 17 mo. apart?

Maya starts swim lessons tomorrow. I hope it goes well! :)

Amy said...

Ok, now that the shock has worn off, I can write a real response. So, you totally don't look pregnant. When I saw you last week I had no idea. I remember we brought up plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas and you guys didn't say anything. :) It's all coming together. Well, I'll have to catch up with you on how you've been feeling etc. Congrats and how exciting you're almost half way there.

Runnergirl said...

Sorry, we hadn't told our kids yet when we saw you guys last week. Yes, they will be 17 months apart - whew.

Amber said...

I love reading your posts with all the nicknames! It takes me a little while to remember which name belongs to which kid! My blog is private, maybe I could make it public with some tricks like this...

Kaye and Jared said...

JEN!!! YEAH!! I'm so excited for you!!

Ginga said...

Wow!!! I'd say you don't look pregnant - I would have never guessed.

That's awesome though - congrats!!